Trusted by Musicians Worldwide
Read real reviews from artists who play and love our instruments.
From classical to rock, our collection features talented musicians who have mastered the art of playing these unique instruments.
Mark Knight
Bridge Demonstrator and Bafta Award Winning Composer
Reviewed Bridge Violins Limited
Facebook Star Rating: 5 Star
"I've been playing Bridge violins since I met them and fell in love with them back in 1996. You really can't go wrong with these instruments."
Oleg Paulya
Soloist, leader and owner, PALLADIUM Electric Band
Reviewed Bridge Violins Limited
Facebook Star Rating: 5 Star
"I have been using Bridge violins during the last couple of years as my primary instruments on stage. No matter what style of music I perform- rock, classic or dance- I’ve never had any problems, which is of course vital for every professional in a live setting. My Bridge violins are also extremely comfortable to play and they sound absolutely amazing!
I am extremely happy with Bridge and highly recommend them!"
Norval Cree
The Sarah Jory Band
Reviewed Bridge Violins Limited
Facebook Star Rating: 5 Star
"Try dragging an acoustic fiddle around on tour, bouncing about in the back of a wagon or tour bus and you will know the problems of the constant battle to keep in pitch, screaming feedback from various pick up systems, sound men demanding more signal etc etc. Now try the BRIDGE range of electric fiddles, the same feel and sound as an acoustic instrument, smooth fine tuning, bags of power and a tonal range that lets you plug in to most back line amps or sound systems and get the sound you want."
"I think I have put it through every road test you can from big German roadies bouncing it down stairs, intense changes of atmosphere and temperature, needless to say the BRIDGE fiddle stayed bang on pitch and those 3rd, 5th and octave drones were right there where they should be...every time you plug it in away we go, business as usual."
"For the working muso this instrument is a must , the only drawback is that it doesn’t make you play any better or if it does I ain’t found the switch yet!”
Jon Sevink
Fiddle Player - The Levellers
Instrument Played: Custom Aquila
"When Bridge approached me to try one of their new violins, I jumped at the chance. It was an opportunity to work with people who understood what an electric violin could and should sound like. Over a period of about nine months Bridge developed and I road tested a number of different pick-up and electronic systems to arrive at the one I use today. From the start I was impressed that we were working with a resonant hollow body as opposed to the 'planks' that everyone else was using, this seemed to give a more responsive 'acoustic' sound making the instrument sound like a violin and not a synthesiser. We worked a lot on the frequency range and tone to give the 'bite' and 'attack' that I need to be heard above electric guitars and drums, yet retaining the mid-frequency power that can (with a few effects!) make one violin sound like a full string section. The end result is what I would call the first REAL electric violin on the market, professionally tested in recording and live performances."
Ian Cutler
Ian Cutler is one of the foremost fiddle players in the UK Starting his career at the age of 7 years, he has been playing for more years than he cares to mention.
First performing in the iconic cult film "The Wicker Man" and then going on to play with "Bully Wee". He now plays with numerous gatherings including "Feast of Fiddles", the now reformed "Bully Wee Band", "Hot Rats" and with Dave Cousins of the Strawbs as a duo and also with the "Blue Angel Orchestra".
After more than 30 years of trying to find the answer to amplifying a violin satisfactorily, BRIDGE have come up with it!
"The Aquila feels and plays exactly like a traditional violin, but has the purity of tone which is impossible to achieve using transducers etc. Add to that the total lack of scrapes, bangs and particularly feed-back, and it is a joy to play.........as loud as you like!"
Peter Knight
Review of The BRIDGE Aquila Violin
"Having been asked by BRIDGE to write a few words about their electric violin, I would first like to congratulate them on their achievement over the years."
"It has not been easy trying to combine an acoustic violin and pick-up that would not only provide a sound that was inspiring, but would hold its own with electric guitars, basses and drums etc."
"The BRIDGE violin has solved the problem. Not only is the sound excellent, it is comfortable to play, it can withstand the dangers of touring and the design is immediately appealing. Pizzicato passages in particular sing out on this instrument with a sustain that is quite exceptional and the more I play it, the more I like it."
"Only one more thing to say.......Thanks."
Chrissie Caulfield
Maker of violin sounds from 'gosh that is beautiful' to 'oww my ears hurt'. Lead noise in Helicopter Quartet
Reviewed Bridge Violins Limited
Facebook Star Rating: 5 Star
"I own 4 Bridge violins, which probably speaks for itself! I haven't found an electric that sounds as good as these or plays as nicely. They're also a really lovely, helpful company too."
Meri Tadic
Eluveitie, a Swiss folk metal band from Winterthur, Zürich
"Oh, my god! I literally did not stop playing it. It is wonderful for me and i've already played our first headliner show on it last week!"
"Everybody loves it too! I’m so happy!"
Raven Bush
Syd Arthur Band
"I’ve been playing these violins for 9 years and they've never let me down. With a lovely original shape, a really good feel and a tasty sound, you really can't go wrong. Nice one Bridge.
The band I’m playing with at the moment is called Syd Arthur, and we're on myspace (www.myspace.com/sydarthur) and our website is www.sydarthur.co.uk."
Steve Bingham
Bridge Demonstrator, Violinist and Conductor
An eclectic violinist and conductor renowned worldwide for both his solo concerts and his work with the Bingham String Quartet.
His one-man show “Lines and Loops” involves an eclectic mix of violin, electric violin and live looping. He tours extensively both in the UK and abroad, and also gives workshops and demonstrations to groups of all sizes and ages.
Founder of the Bingham String Quartet.
"I’ve used Bridge instruments as my main electric violins for about 15 years now, both in my work with various bands, including no-man with Steven Wilson, and in my solo recitals, where I do a lot of live-looping."
"The live-looping setup involves connecting the Bridge to my laptop via an audio interface and then using one of the many looping software programs currently available and sending the result out to my amps. It’s relatively straightforward, but of course I complicate it by adding effects, bass pedals and some percussion. However you can start simply with looping at home with just an electric instrument, an interface and any digital device, even a tablet or phone. Why not give it a go!"
"Two things are key for me in an electric instrument - ease of playing and quality of sound. Bridge come up trumps on both fronts: build quality and attention to exact dimensions mean that the instruments are immediately comfortable to play, and good electronics give me a clean and accurate violin sound prior to any effects I may want to use."
"With the four and five string instruments I use, the decision by Bridge to keep some hollow acoustic space in the design, rather than going completely skeletal, also means that I get a little more acoustic sound in my ear which - as a classically trained player - I find I appreciate."
"And they look great!"
"Paul and Ceris are to be congratulated on the quality range of instruments they offer and the excellent customer service they provide."
Ben Lee
FUSE, Eclipse Quartet, also played with Mc Fly, Lucie Silvas, Arctic Monkeys
"Having tried a load of electric violins from different makers, our search ended with Bridge. From a playing point of view, these instruments are very responsive under the bow, allowing for a great range of tone colours. The sound is rich, as a violin should be (electric or not) and having three 5-stringed fiddles is a dream for our compositions - we can all play viola now!!!! Our first gig with them was at the Albert Hall, and they sounded monster, with an even tone throughout the range. This reliability and playability coupled with their stunning looks makes Bridge a winner, and we look forward to getting our next set soon!"
Liz Prendergast
Violinist and String Teacher
"If you could say that playing an instrument gave the same sensual pleasure as immersing yourself in a bath of warm chocolate... that says it all really. Its smooth action makes it a true Celtic Speed Machine. I had two ambitions in life - one was to own a Bridge violin, the other was to live forever. So far so good!"
"I've tried loads of electric violins ... wooden ones, plastic ones and even one made of Martian putty but it has to be said that Bridge (for 'tis a Lyra I have) buries them alive on all counts. Having tone and volume controls on the instrument is a major bonus: Its light weight sits with my every movement (if you've seen Blue Horses, an essential quality) and almost becomes part of you. Its smooth action makes it a true Celtic Speed Machine."
"I love the feel and look of it - a really classy piece of design... It says "c'mon, have a try - y'know ya want to."
"And that's it... Never look back, hypnotised forever and personally I wouldn't dirty my bow on anything else."
"Bridge violin? - Coz I'm wurrrth it!!!"
Ysanne Spavec
Elton John, Smashing Pumpkins, Jane’s Addiction
"...as a British string arranger, string contractor and violinist now based in Los Angeles I’ve seen lots of brands of electric violins, cellos and basses in action. I’m completely satisfied with my choice to play Bridge."
Björn Kästner
Reviews the Bridge Lyra Violin
Facebook Star Rating: 5 Star
"Oh I really love my new Bridge Violin. While searching the internet for a new 5 String Violin I found the Bride Lyra Octave. I was very exited to try and hear this instrument personally. Before I bought it, I had some questions about it, which were answered completely and quickly by the Bride-Team."
"So, what can I say about the instrument? The Lyra Octave is so beautiful! The sound is natural, warm, dark and truly impressive. The deep „C“ sounds so cool! With a base-amplifier instead of a guitar-amplifier even more, because everything vibrates nearby it:-) Amplified she sounds like a full size cello. That was exactly that kind of something new I searched for my violin performances."
"I can absolutely commend her."
Peter Knight
Although his name is synonymous with the seminal Folk-Rock Band Steeleye Span and more recently with his own trio Gigspanner, Peter has avoided being categorised purely as a Folk Musician due to the diversity of musical genres that he chooses to apply to his music making, and to the musicians he has chosen to work with.
"For the last few months I have been playing an amazing new violin developed by BRIDGE. It is the same size as their AQUILA violin, but tuned an octave lower. The sound is more like a cello than a violin, and i will always remember the first time I put bow to string and heard what this wonderful instrument has to offer – what a sound!"
Brian McNeill
Brian has been described as ‘Scotland’s most meaningful contemporary songwriter’ (The Scotsman); add to that his work and influence as performer, composer, producer, teacher, musical director, band leader, novelist and interpreter of Scotland’s past, present and future and you have a man who has never stood still. He has performed around the globe, both as a soloist and with some of the era’s most influential bands, including Battlefield Band, which he founded in 1969, and Clan Alba.
"My two Bridge violins are what I've been waiting for all my playing life. They are the first electric instruments I've ever had which are capable of giving me a truly acoustic sound when amplified."
"The Brian McNeill Signature model just soars, and my Octave model comes across on stage like the most responsive cello in the world."
"I just don't think they could be bettered."
Fani Villarón
Electric Cellist
‘’I'm Cello Femme, electric cellist from Spain, and I have to tell you that I'm really impressed with my cello! it sounds amazing, and the colour is perfect for my shows. I play House and Pop music in events around the world, and for me it is very important to feel comfortable with my instrument."
Best election ever!
Fani Villarón
Cello Femme
Simon McCorrey
Cellist and Composer
Simon’s solo live work uses solo cello through looping devices, guitar pedals and computer processing. Creates music regularly for theatre, contemporary dance, circus and film.
‘’My work is a combination of manipulated field recordings & object sounds, analogue synth with layered loop based atmospheric improvisations that explore the rich sonic possibilities of the cello through a host of treatments and effects chains. The Draco cello allows me to push effects like reverb and delay to extremes without worrying about feedback and has rich sound in its raw state like making it a pleasure to play."
Equipment used for live performance:- laptop running Ableton, Push 2, Keith McMillan Softstep 2, RME Fireface UFX, DPA 4099 mic.’
Bela Emerson
‘’I’ve toured with my Bridge electric cello for ten years so far - it plays beautifully, sounds wonderful, and looks fantastic! I loop & layer it to make electronica, soundtracks & loads more…
Thanks for all your amazing service as always."
Rusty Pomeroy
Eclipse Quartet, played with Mc Fly, Lucie Silvas, Arctic Monkeys
‘’When Eclipse played our debut set at the Royal Albert Hall, our stylish Bridge instruments really gave us confidence to perform ... the boys and myself are so pleased with our new chrome Bridge instruments - they really look and sound fantastic! We are so grateful to the Bridge team for all their help and support - Eclipse are proud to be promoting Bridge instruments and are overwhelmed by our amazing new chrome instruments.."
Cello Central
Best Electric Cello Brands & Models 2020
‘’Buying an electric cello is a great life decision. Electric cellos are stylish, “cool,” and downright fun to play. Since electric cellos are harder to find at local music shops and usually must be purchased online we have consolidated a list below of the best electric cellos."
Bridge Draco Series 4-String Electric Cello Blue Marble\
"Certainly the most stylish electric cello on this list, the Bridge Draco is an excellent performance instrument. Designed for professional performers, the Draco offers an easy transition from an acoustic cello, with the benefits of low volume for practice, and high volume for performance with no feedback."\
"It responds to varied bow strikes with varied harmonic content and can go from a whisper to a scream, all the while supplying an even tone across the range of the instrument."
"We highly recommend this electric cello for the professional looking to impress their audience."
Andy Dinan
The Bad Shepherds, All-Ireland Fiddle Championships in 1988 and 1994
"After touring with the Bad Shepherds for a year and trying a wide range of different pick-ups, it was the Bridge Electro Acoustic Violin that provided the clarity, rich full sound and consistency that I had been looking for."
"Whether you're playing at Cropredy in front of 20,000 or playing at a friend's birthday bash down the local this fiddle will never let you down. The pick-up inside is so powerful and the first time I tried this fiddle the EQ was completely flat on the desk and the violin sounded superb straightaway. Once you have gotten used to the slightly wider neck, you have an instrument you can trust completely. For those of you out there who have naturally mistrusted electric violins in the past, like me, this instrument puts your bias firmly to one side. Acoustically, it has a gentle and clear sound and when you're recording if you use the pick-up in conjunction with a mic it sounds excellent. The new Octave fiddle is a real breakthrough though. The first time I played one I thought; I'm going to need a bigger bow! The strings are thicker but the clear, rich cello sound it gives you fills out all the bass end and every venue you play in. Its monstrous. A true find where can provide your own bass end without using a bass player."
"I love these violins - no more running around taking off and putting on pick-ups with various tiny tweezers before and after soundchecks. You plug in, she responds, you play. That's how its supposed to be."
Andy Dinan
Ian Cutler
Bullly Wee, The Wicker Man, Feast of Fiddles
"I have been using my Bridge Aquila electric violin for over 10 years now and it has never let me down. However, there are occasions when a more traditional, subtle violin sound is needed as with The Bully Wee Band and Feast of Fiddles. This is where the Bridge Electro Acoustic comes into its own. It has a beautiful sound and is as easy to play and set up as the Aquila. It is also very impressive in a totally acoustic situation……….. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!"
Stella Page
The Elle Beaux String Quartet - String section for Elbow, Snow Patrol and many more!...
"I believe that my electro acoustic 5 string violin was one of the first ever made by Bridge back in 2008! We lovingly refer to him as ‘Elvis’ and he is still going strong over 12 years later. I have played him on countless gigs and tours including Elbow, Gorillaz, Mark Ronson and Snow Patrol and he is my faithful companion busking in the London Underground and in various street markets too. Elvis has never let me down once. He always provides a constantly stable and beautiful tone across all strings and the battery lasts forever! I find Elvis really easy to play no matter where I am and in any acoustic setting, from massive venues like the o2 to wedding proposals on a small boat on the Thames! Paul has recently replaced the electrics inside and added the most AMAZING fine tuning pegs which I cannot recommend enough. Tuning has become a joy they move so easily! These instruments really are incredible and the fact that you can play them acoustically too is an added bonus! I thoroughly recommend Bridge."
John McCusker
Musician, Producer, Composer and Arranger. Fiddler with Mark Knopfler
From the Battlefield Band John has guested with many musicians including Ocean Colour Scene, Paul Weller, Teenage Fanclub, Danny Thompson, Eddi Reader, Tim O'Brien, Linda Thompson and Kate Rusby. He has shared stages with Bonnie Raitt, Patti Smith, Steve Earle, Rosanne Cash, Paolo Nutini and Jools Holland and toured with Mark Knopfler. . He also regularly features in the fabulous Transatlantic Sessions.
‘’For the last 12 years I have been searching for an electric fiddle that looks and sounds like a great acoustic, played through a quality mic. A lot to ask I know, but now I’ve finally found it with my new BRIDGE electro-acoustic fiddle."
"I’m using the main one in the gig, and going to try the octave one tomorrow. Mark thinks it’s great, and all the lads were amazed at how brilliant it sounds. Thanks they’re top!"
Morgan Paros
Performance and recording career spans contemporary, classical, and commercial music. From pop music to video game and film scores, she attributes working cross-genre to her classical training, wide musical influences, and intimate knowledge of electronic gear. She regularly arranges, composes, and improvises string sections for sessions and live shows. Hailed as a dynamic performer, reviews call her a “powerhouse with charismatic stage qualities!”
"I hope you've had a fantastic 2015 so far. It has been a while, but we were last in touch when I purchased the Bridge Golden Tasman Violin for my Fall 2014 music tour with Andrew McMahon and Hunter Hunted. I wanted to reach out and thank you again. I have immensely enjoyed playing my violin and it is the only violin I use on tour! I find she plays amplified better than my fine traditional instrument and has a beautiful, complex and rounded tone. So far, I've used the violin to perform amplified in front of audiences as large as 2500 people and in adventurous settings --like speedboats and hidden ocean coves for music videos-- and she has always served me well! I have received many compliments from colleagues, fans, and industry professionals on my beautiful tone while playing the Golden Tasman. I've even had seasoned professionals tell me I'm the best live string player they have heard in all their years of touring the world. While I love my fine classical instrument, I know these compliments have everything to do with the excellent playability and sound I can achieve amplified on the Golden Tasman. Also, I never have to worry if I play too strongly or move too much -- I know this instrument can withstand the extra vigor! :)"
"I am touring again this summer with Hunter Hunted and I'll surely be playing my Golden Tasman then as well!"
Laura Stanford
Violinist and String Arranger. Stanford Quartet, Q Strings - A Dynamic and versatile string group, Q Strings play on tailor made Golden Tasman instruments.
"Regarding how they feel/sound. My experience is perhaps a bit difference to the majority of Bridge customers as my main Bridge instrument is customised. It is a copy of my real violin which is an old Italian violin and Bridge have worked hard to copy the spacing on the fingerboard and the bridge shaping so that I am able to jump from one to the other with very little difficulty. Hence I love my customised instrument. My spare violin is not customised to my real violin and therefore is not as easy under my hand as the customised one but it is still nice to play."
"Acoustically the instruments are a bit quieter than a real instrument and slightly less responsive due to the extra wood on the back plate and the slightly thicker bridges but once you plug them into an amp the sound from the amp connects with the feeling of playing the instrument (if that makes sense). I haven’t played the Tasman range for years now but as to the amplified sound of the Golden Tasman range yes I’m very happy with it."
"Other than that the instruments also respond to different bows, strings or sound post placement in similar ways to a normal instrument."
Richard Sanderson
Professional session violinist working in Manchester working for One Education Music.
"I have used Bridge violins to gig professionally for the past 20 years and can only highly recommend them. I started on an Aquila 4 string (have owned a number of different ones!), have used and owned the 5 string Lyra and now own the electro-acoustic golden Tasman. The electric violins are great and never let me down but now I would never go back from the Golden Tasman. This is in my opinion the best purchase I have ever made and a violin of the highest professional standard. It plays beautifully and sounds incredible in any setup. I use it in acoustic duos and big bands and whatever the setting it always does the job. The joy of this violin is that it also sounds great acoustically as well as when it's plugged in. Sound engineers always comment on its tone and sound and how easy it is to mix. Also the customer service you receive from Paul and everyone at bridge is brilliant and they will always look after you. If you want an electric violin this is the only place to go."